Private organisations for space should be established in India

Space is full of mysterious things that one wants to learn about. One wants to learn about new discoveries, especially those who are actually interested in it. Till now we have found varieties of them. Like oumuamua named after a term having meaning messenger from afar which was an interstellar space cigar like celestial body which came in orbit of our solar system and was taken in presence when it was near sun. the orbit it took was a parabola nobody knew where it came from or what origin was it but one thing was very clear that it wasn't a comet as it didn't had a tail and neither it had such a structure or character. Nor it was an asteriod due to it's abrupt spinning and it's speed was approximately 94,800 km/h before it hit high solar storms and after it hit it reached speed of 315,800 we know after hitting with such solar storm it's speed should have decreased but it increased abruptly. also nothing could possibly be safe so close to sun it should break apart into pieces, but it survived this posed a really big question infront of us what was it?
inerstellar objects could tell us everything about the universe. and like this various things hapen and exist in outer space and we don't know anything about it for example dark matter, dark energy, and one more amazing iIncident we know bout WOW SIGNAL was an amazing experience of reason to believe that extra terrestial life co exist with us. 
In 1977 Big Ears radio telescope at Ohio State University of California
These things exist and people are curious about them especially those who know about them yet in India here we don't have big radio telescopes to gather interstellar signals. Our country India is lacking in thse discoveries of new era cause our national space organisation must first complete all previous missons which have been done by other nations it's important so for a new start with next level missions a private entity should come forward where without lack in funds we could possibly have dreams come true and India will be leading one in space missions.
A private entity is not compelled to perform the things that other organisations are doing they can go on their own after setting few sattelites in orbits. Many would think what use will it give to government then one must knoew that shares of private company of big firms are sometimes in use with government around 30% of them so this will be helpful first in economy as funds to private organisations are enourmous big a company heavy taxes it has to pay to government. also indian government and indian space organisation ISRO can ally with them firstly the money will be in india itself and we will get big things under less money sometimes ISRO has to take parts of rockets from other nations this problem will also be sorted and if the private and government space organisation will work together then obviously our space power will be enormous it can make india superpower in space field.
If a private organisation will open in india it will require work labour both unskilled and skilled so obivously job solutions to nation. There are few space organisations right now in india which are private organisation but they are not really useful at the time so there is need of such a private organisation for the nation which can bring India up in the charts
Outer space is a beautiful scenery painted by nature ands it contains biggest questions, places things unanswered, undiscovered yet. SO this blog was written to bring onto the need of this hour.
- Anuj Pandey


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